黃澄澄的芒果是南台灣獨有的熱情 ░
採用最大顆的『在欉紅』台南愛文芒果,低溫40度C風乾42小時,封存原味及酵素,果香更加濃郁,直送糖坊做出保留最多膳食纖維以及天然芒果味的瘋狂牛軋~季節限定6~9月份!沒辦法,瘋狂牛軋就是這麼瘋狂追求品質!只願採用當季現摘愛文芒果,過了季!!歐~不!過了季,再便宜都不要,因為瘋狂牛軋不喜歡! ░
The sweetness of the yellow mango is quite special and only can be found from Tainan, which is located in the south part of Taiwan. We select “Irwin mango” which is the biggest in its kind. We slice it and spend 40 hours air-dried with the temperature control of 40 degrees to hold the flavor and enzyme. We only supply this kind of nougat from June to September because of the mango’s harvest season. ░

草莓香交織濃醇鮮乳 ░ 特選台灣本產草莓,搭配美國加州杏仁粒,濃濃草莓香交織著新西蘭純淨鮮乳,激盪出甜而不膩的幸福滋味。 ░ Specially select..